Last year we had a barbecue on the “day of the neighbours”. As this is not possible at the moment we thought about another thing that we could do together with the community:
We are searching for YOU as witnesses of the history of the area!

The history of the slaughterhouse area is exciting and divers. This is why we want to capture and record it. What do you remember? Do you have old photos or other souvenirs lying dormant? We would like to collect those and make it accessible to the public.*
In many conversations with residents, neighbours or workers around the construction site and at previous events, we have repeatedly found that there are many beautiful and exciting memories of the site. We would like to encourage you to amaze us with your stories.
In addition to publications on the website, we want to create an exhibition about the history, which will be permanently preserved.

Please send us your photos, stories, anecdotes, souvenirs or any other ideas until 30th of June 2020:
Via email or scan to
Via Mail/Postal Service or in person into the letterbox on site (red and marked):
HB Reavis Germany GmbH
Otto-Ostrowski-Str. 7
10249 Berlin
Your HB Reavis-Team
*Of course everything document/item stays in your property. You can actively tell us not to mention your name.