
Inspiring visit to the artist studio of Christian Awe

After a first on-site meeting in mid-January on the premises of DSTRCT.Berlin, our Country Development Director Oliver Fuchs was invited by Christian Awe to another meeting in his studio.

The artist did not miss the opportunity to personally guide Oliver Fuchs through the studio rooms and show and explain some of his works, some of which were still in progress.

Surrounded by impressive, colourful art that creates a creative atmosphere all of its own, the conversation led to in-depth, inspiring ideas for the works that Christian Awe is creating especially for DSTRCT.Berlin for two lobbies of the new building.

(c) Atelier Christian Awe

We are already full of excitement and anticipation.

HB Reavis Germany GmbH

Matthias Goßmann

Head of Leasing

+491 743 193 570



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